Palm Beach International Airport
General Aviation Minimum Standards - PBI
Palm Beach International Airport's (PBI) general aviation interest are served by three full service fixed base operators and a U.S. customs port of entry facility.
All general aviation aircraft must use the south side of the field for dropping / picking up passengers or aircraft parking. General aviation aircraft are restricted from operating on the north parking ramps & aprons (unless prior approval by the Department).
The airport serves numerous air carriers and the largest runway is 10,000' long by 150' wide. All runways are paved asphalt and have runway edge lights.
Pilots: please plan flight accordingly and review airport diagrams and layouts. Please verify runway markings prior to landing. Taxiway Lima is located between runways 10L-28R and the smaller GA runway 10R-28L.
(View Runway 10L-10R)
(View Runway 28L)
(View Runway 28R)
(View Runway 14)
(View Runway 32)
From the FAA: Runway Safety- Palm Beach International Airport
There is a 24 hour FAA air traffic control tower located at the airport and the airport is located within Class C airspace.